In order to create additional account in FLORIAN you'll need to be an "Administrator" anyone without this designation is not permitted to create accounts for your department. If you have administrator status follow these steps.
- Navigate in your web browser to ''
- Sign In using your department credentials
- You have the option to click the 'remember me' button, if this is a computer you share with others you more than likely will not use this function.
- Click on 'Accounts'
- Click on 'New' in the top right.
- Fill out the appropriate fields
- Display Name: How a Personnel's name will appear in the accountability anchor
- Email Address: What will be use to log into FLORIAN and FLORIAN Mobile.
- Password: This can be updated at anytime from this admin screen, also each personnel's password recovery e-mail will be sent to the email address entered above. So please ensure it is a valid email address.
- Personnel: Department Rank which will be used to organize personnel within the accountability anchor.
- Call Sign: A quick identifier of personnel usually tied to a personnel's department radio call sign.
- Team: A way to organize companies, units & or assignments i.e. 'Search & Rescue'
- Company: What apparatus that personnel is responding from.
- Role: An internal designation allowing for different role based permissions within FLORIAN. *Note* When adding a "Role" you MUST click the 'Add' button and then confirm the role appears below
- Once all of your fields are properly filled out you can click the 'Save' button.
- This will bring you back to your accounts list, when you can search and verify all of the information saved correctly.